Wellness is usually defined in broad terms as a “lifestyle oriented towards well-being” that comprises both physical and psychological aspects. In order to better understand the meaning of Wellness, let us take a closer look at its essential components.

Physical activity and exercise
Physical activity refers to any type of movement and exercise refers to a more structured movement performed for specific aims; however, both are fundamental elements of Wellness. In fact, without them, it is impossible to achieve both mental and physical well-being.
In the 'World Health Report 2002' (WHO), a report on the health of the global population, the World Health Organization determined that sedentary lifestyles are a leading risk factor for heart disease or other serious illnesses, such as diabetes and even certain types of cancer.
The 'World Health Report 2002' stresses that the combination of physical inactivity and poor diet increases the incidence of obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol, which in turn contributes to the onset of a number of illnesses. As a result, Wellness is based on a complete and well-balanced diet.

Regular physical activity and exercise are monumentally important in helping to correct bad habits and in turn enable individuals to quickly become aware of benefits gained from a positive lifestyle changes. As a result, developing healthy habits better prepares the body for continued activity and exercise.
Relationships with others
Achieving an overall state of emotional well-being is an important part of the Wellness philosophy. Feeling good about yourself increases the likelihood of developing good relationships with others.
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