With this statement, Jelle Sybesma, interim Whatsapp Mobile Number List manager e-commerce at HEMA, opens his presentation. HEMA ran a test case last year in which they investigated whether they could replace the physical folder Whatsapp Mobile Number List with digital advertisements. The result was positive, as no less than 58 percent of offline purchases are influenced by online marketing. An important conclusion that HEMA drew from this was that there are no offline and online customers. Only HEMA customers. You can use different Whatsapp Mobile Number List techniques to measure how your online campaigns influence offline purchases. HEMA focused on display, search and social media advertisements for the campaign.
The data advertised came from Wi-Fi Whatsapp Mobile Number List networks, GPS, location history and Facebook profiles. Based on the profile of the consumer, personal advertisements were shown of offers in stores that were near them. Also read: Featured snippets: with your website at the top of Google Another tool you can use is Google Store Whatsapp Mobile Number List Visits in Google Ads. In order to use this, you must meet several conditions. For example, you must have multiple physical stores, thousands of clicks per month and a full Google My Business account per store. Finally, a customer card is a fantastic means to continue measuring offline Whatsapp Mobile Number List and online. Linked to the card you have all purchases that a customer makes with the card. In addition, you can easily build a profile with personal characteristics and interests of the customer. 4.
Content is and remains KING In his Whatsapp Mobile Number List presentation '13 proven SEO tactics' , Wouter Kiel van Travix (CheapTickets.nl) mentions different forms of content work well for SEO. First up: adding content to the homepage. A piece Whatsapp Mobile Number List of SEO text of at least 300 words ensures that you can be found better in the search engine. Authority content is also an important part of SEO, according to Kiel. This is content with which you as a website build authority, because other media link to this content. Authority Whatsapp Mobile Number List content is created by writing unique and relevant content. A smart tactic for this is to respond to general questions that are frequently asked.