Fildena 100 is a drug that physicians prescribe to treat male erectile dysfunction, often known as ED or erectile dysfunction. This is a condition in which male patients lose their ability to produce a hard penile erection on their own. The Fildena 100 pill, which has the same quantity of Sildenafil as its generic counterpart, may help you reclaim your ability to erect a penis that is back to its previous level of firmness. The tablets must only be used with a doctor's prescription and after fully comprehending the dangers and probable contraindications, as well as avoiding them. The active ingredient in Fildena 100 purple tablet, sildenafil, may cause vasodilation in the penile arteries, allowing you to obtain penile firmness by increasing blood flow inside the penis tissues. Sildenafil may limit the functions of PDE-5 hormones at first, and subsequently, it can boost the levels of cGMP hormones, which operate as a precursor to the release of nitric oxide. Buy Ed best medicine online at
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