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What are some easy German books for A1 learners?
Reading is a great way to improve vocabulary and sentence structure in A1 level German. Beginners should start with simple, short books that use basic grammar and everyday words. Here are some excellent choices:
1. Children’s Books (Simple Language, Basic Vocabulary)
“Das kleine Ich bin ich” (The Little I-am-me) – Mira Lobe
A beautifully illustrated book with easy sentences.
“Oh, wie schön ist Panama” (Oh, How Beautiful is Panama) – Janosch
A simple yet engaging story for beginners.
2. German Graded Readers for A1 Level
“Café in Berlin” – André Klein
A short story series about a young man’s life in Germany, using simple A1 words.
“Die Geschichte von Herrn Sommer” – Patrick Süskind
Short and simple sentences perfect for A1 learners.
3. Dual-Language Books (German-English)
“Short Stories in German for Beginners” – Olly Richards
Includes side-by-side translations to help beginners understand the text.
Reading daily, even just a few pages, will improve your comprehension in A1 level German.