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MMOEXP: Elden Ring Bleeding Glitch Makes some dogs the most dangerous Enemies
I've already gone on and on about the wildlife in Elden Ring, explaining how its bears, wolves, as well as birds pose a larger problem for me than its alien bosses Elden Ring Runes. But a group of bloody dogs put everything else in the game to shame.
A vicious breed of dead dog known as the Rotten Stray can be found throughout all over the Lands Between, often in brutal packs. While they're easy to take down in the majority of cases as provided you don't become greedy, a sanguine variation found in the Altus Plateau's Writheblood Ruins amplifies their biting attacks with a bleeding effect that can put the unwary if not cautious.
Bleed, like all other symptoms of status, build up slowly through repeated blows and drained a large portion of your health when it has reached its limit. It's an affliction to fight , but it's not something that's supposed to happen in the instant or catch you off guard. Therefore, the Writheblood Ruins dogs' astonishment ability to inflict bleed instantaneously is a terrifying anomaly.
In the video above The strays in the video appear to be infected. The normal attacks they use work as intended, but somehow their combos strike way too many times, as evident by the repeated sound effects as well as the rapid bleed build-up. Even someone with maxed-out endurance and vitality stats, which govern in addition to health points and bleed resistance as well as heavy-duty armor cannot last for more than a couple seconds before bleeding into the next.
Based on user comments on Fextralife as a wiki with details on Elden Ring as well as other Souls game, Writheblood Ruins was at times also home to an immortal slime, but I'm unable to find video footage of the enemy in the action. It appears to have been fixed by the recent 1.03 patch.
Although Elden Ring has its fair many bugs, it just comes with the territory. It's not easy to develop even in the best of times. Considering the problems of the last couple of years, it's almost a miracle that FromSoftware was able to release something this ambitious that can still run pretty well for most people. (It's certainly no Cyberpunk 2077). Keep calm and avoid this particular part of elden ring items buy and the game for the time being.